Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2013

Vancouver, Victoria and Pumpkin Curving

Hey guys :))

I think I told you, that I was with my hostmother and my hostsister and Keiden and Stouton in Vancouver and Victoria and Courtenay last week from saturday to thursday.
It was soooo cool!!!
Our trip started on saturday morning at about 10 o'clock : we packed everything in the truck and drove to the Highway on which we were for about 4 hours.
We arrived in Vancouver, after a lot of Country Music, at about 4 pm and then we went to our hotel and put all our stuff in our room. Then we went to my hostmums daughter, Sang Lee. She lives in Vancouver and we visited her. With her together we went to a restaurant to eat supper.
We wanted to go and drive a car but we phoned them and they said we have to make a reservation, so we made a reservation for the next day.
We spent this evening at Sang Lee's place and we watched a movie and it was sooo much fun! Especially as Sang Lee said to Karen: „ Look, this is the movie I have bought for the dogs!“ (Yes, it really exists a movie just for dogs :DD) And Karen said: „ Oh, I HAVE to watch it!“ I hadn't laughed so much in my entire time here and then Sang Lee said: „Oh yes, to see if the movie is appropriate for your dogs and to see that there is no violence and no drugs...“ I lay on the ground and I was crying because I laughed so much :DD I know, for you it maybe doesn't seem to be so funny but, believe me, it really was!
Well, this part maybe hadn't inerested you but now it will interest you, because now I am just writing about what we have done in Vancouver.
On Sunday morning we went to the Stanley Park and we walked around in the park at the sea wall and I took lots of cool pictures of the Skyline of Vancouver!

Then we went to the Totem Poles in the Stanley Park and they were soo cool, I seriously love totem poles!

After this, we visited the Vancouver Aquarium, which is also located in the Stanley Park (the Stanley Park is huuuuge, you can't even imagine how huge it is!) To see all those dolphines and other fish was pretty cool! 

Then we went in the afternoon to the Lookout Tower to see more of Vancouver and it was really cool! We could see sooo far and everything looked so beautiful and yeah...
Oh and maybe I should say that we haven't eaten since the morning (I just ate a waffle for breakfast, which was not a good idea when I think about it now... But later more about it.. :D )

Oh and sorry, it will be a looooong post so if you are not interested it would be the best idea to stop reading this now, because I have a lot more to tell ;))
Well, then we went to the library, because it looks sooo cool, like the Colosseum in Rome!

After this, we went to The Bay, that is a big store here in Canada and they sell lots of Canada stuff like clothes with Canada on it etc. It was so cool in there and so we  forgot the time. Then at one point we found out that it is almost time to meet with Sang Lee to eat supper and go to the car racing.
So we left the Bay and picked up Sang Lee and she said that there is no time to eat and that we have to go directly to the car racing... It was about seven in the evening when we arrived at the car racing and we drove the cars for about 30 minutes. So it was about 8 pm when we left the car racing. Sang Lee said, that there is a cool night market somewhere next to the car racing and that we could eat there, because there is lots of asian food. So we tried to find the night market but we couldn't get there. We saw the market but we just didn't find a way to get there. So we asked a guy at the gas station and he told us we have to turn left between a hotel and a casino and then keep going and turn left again. Well, this way we have tried all the time before so Karen said:“ Don't tell us to turn left, we've already tried it and we can't get there“. The guy:“ Ohhhhhh... But I really think you have to do it..“. Karen:“ Don't say that! We tried this way the last hour!“ Guy: „ Ohhhhhh...“ 
Well, it went on like this a little bit but then Karen said we just try it again but it didn't work.
So after we have tried to find this market for almost 2 hours we decided to eat somewhere else because it was almost 10 pm and we all were starving so we wanted to go to Red Robins. We looked in the GPS for the next restaurant and it showed us a way but there wasn't the restaurant we were looking for... So we just drove a little bit further and we went to the first reataurant we have seen: Dannys's. That is a famous breakfast restaurant in Canada but it is also open for lunch and supper and so we ate our supper at 10 oder 10:30 pm at this breakfast restaurant.
And then, the funniest thing about it was, that there was a thing on the table with salt and pepper and some kinds of sauce in it and it stood right next to karen so she moved it a little bit and about 5 minutes later a guy came at our table and put this thing back to where it was. This happend about 5 times while we ate our supper and it was sooooo funny!! :DD
So, well, on the next day, Monday, we left Vancouver to go to Courtenay on Vancouver Island to visit Karens mum. We took a ferry to Vancouver Island and drove about 3 hours so that we arrived there in the late afternoon. Her mum is soo nice! She is 92 and I really like her.
On Tuesday we visited in the morning a place/store in which they sell indian stuff and there were beautiful things! I really liked it to look around in this store!
In the afternoon we visited a museum about dinosaurs and fossils and it was really interesting.
Then we went to „Downtown“ and just walked around a little bit and looked in all the stores what things they sell and so on. We bought a birthday cake for Karen because it was her birthday and so we celebrated it in the evening all together. 
On Wednesday we left Courtenay in the morning to go to Victoria and it took about 4 hours to get there. When we arrvied, we took all our stuff in the hotel room and then we walked next to the water and visited the harbour and ate a hotdog.

Then we went to a Castle, where you can go through and look at all the rooms, like they have looked in the past. It was pretty cool!

In the evening, when it was dark outside, we visited the Parliament Buildings and we took some pictures of them. They always look really pretty in the night because there are lights all over the buildings!

On Thursday morning we packed all our stuff back in the truck and drove home. It took about 8 hours to come home -.-
All in all, it was a really nice trip and I am so happy that I have seen also different cities than just Kelowna!

Pumpkin Day :D
So, now I want to tell you something about my „Pumpkin Day“.
I went to school on Monday and one of the german girls asked me, if I also have to go to the office because of the field trip today. Field trip? Today? I didn't know anything about it... So I went to the office and told the lady that I wasn't here last week but that I really want to go on this fiel trip. So she phoned my hostmum to ask, if it is okay for her and then I had to run around in the school to find my teachers of period 2,3, and 4 to let them sign a form so that they know, that I am gone to this field trip. I found 2 of the 3 teachers but it was okay and so I could go on the field trip.
We went to a pumpkin farm. There were also some apples and they had their own store and everything looked so canadian! It was sooo beautiful on this farm! We were allowed to take one pumpkin home and we will carve them tomorrow in school!

Then I came home after school and Karen told me, that she had bought two pumpkins for each of us and that we will carve them tonight. So I carved 2 pumpkins and I think they are pretty good, I mean I haven't done it before, so I really like them!

Yeah, that was my pumpkin day! :DD

I hope I told you everything that happend... :D

Oh, and I have only six days left :o Next week at this time I am already back home in Germany! The time has gone by soo fast, I can't believe it.
I feel like I have just arrived yesterday, but it also feels like I am here since a year, because it happened so much in my time here! On Thursday is my last day of school in Canada and on Thursday is also Halloween! I am so excited for Halloween!
Well, see you in 6 days Germany.. ♥

Miss u all and see you soon!
Aylina ♥

PS: Sorry, that I wrote everything in english, but it is easier for me to write english than german... :D

Samstag, 19. Oktober 2013

Ich mal wieder :D

Ich melde mich dann auch mal wieder... :D
Nein, es tut mir echt Leid, dass ich nur so selten schreibe, aber hier ist nun mal mehr oder weniger auch der Alltag eingekehrt und das würde euch ja wenn ich in Deutschland bin auch nicht interessieren und hier ist es auch nicht sehr viel anders, außer das ich halt in Kanada bin :D

Also in der letztens Zeit ist auch nichts interessantes passiert, deshalb weiß ich jetzt gar nicht so genau wo rüber ich schreiben soll...

Auf jeden Fall habe ich jetzt nur noch 19 Tage hier :o Das ist irgendwie krass, wie schnell die Zeit vergangen ist...

Morgen geht es erst mal bis nächste Woche Donnerstag nach Vancouver und Victoria! Danach melde ich mich auch auf jeden Fall nochmal mit gaaaaaaanz vielen Fotos :))
Und für die Zeit in Vancouver und Victoria bekommen wir einfach mal so in der Schule frei :D Und dann ist Freitag keine Schule, das heißt wir müssen erst übernächste Woche Montag wieder hin und dann muss ich auch nur noch für 4 tage dahin, meine 4 letzten. Dann bleibe ich noch 4 Tage und dann geht’s schon wieder nach Hause... Die Zeit wird jetzt auch echt sooo schnell verfliegen!!

Ich weiß jetzt schon gar nicht mehr, was ich schreiben soll :D Es ist wie gesagt echt nichts besonderes passiert...

Ach oder doch, wir hatten am Mittwoch glaube ich nur den halben Tag Schule, das heißt es war schon um 1:30 Schluss und jeder Kurs war eine Stunde lang. Das war echt cool, hier mal so früh nach Hause zu kommen :)

Uuuund da unsere Nachbarin im Moment im Urlaub ist muss sich meine Gastmutter um die Katzen kümmern und da war ich einmal mit und die Nachbarin füttert im Garten die Rehe und dann durfte ich da raus gehen und das Futter nachfüllen und dann standen da so ungefähr 5m neben mir zwei Rehe rum – Welcome to Canada :DD

So, jetzt weiß ich aber wirklich nichts mehr.
Oder doch: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Ne, Papa? :DDD

Bis bald!

Freitag, 11. Oktober 2013

Thanks Giving und alles was sonst noch so passiert ist

Hii :)

Ja also ich bins mal wieder :)

Ich möchte heute ein bisschen was über Thanks Giving schreiben. Ja ich weiß, es ist eigentlich erst Montag, aber da die Tochter meiner Gasteltern jetzt seit Montag da war (sie lebt eigentlich in Vancouver) haben wir es jetzt am Mittwoch Abend gefeiert, zusammen mit Karens Geburtstag der erst in 2 Wochen oder so ist.. :DD Also es war jedenfalls total schön, allerdings gab es bei uns Ham anstatt Turkey, weil die Turkey nicht mögen.
Bevor wir angefangen haben zu essen, mussten wir sagen wofür wir dankbar sind. Dann sind wir halt einmal in der Runde gegangen und es wurden so Sachen wie food, new friends und family gesagt. Fand ich echt total schön sowas zu machen!!!

Hier noch ein paar Fotos vom Essen :D

Karens Geburtstagskuchen :)

Joa, ansonsten ist halt Karens und Michaels Tochter seit Montag da, zusammen mit ihren zwei Hunden und ihrer Katze. Das heißt, wir hatten halt 5 Hunde hier im Haus rumrennen... Und ich weiß nicht ob ich es schon mal erwähnt habe, aber es war Keidens Bruder und Stoutons Halbbruder und Keiden und sein Bruder Bosley waren echt toal gleich! Beide so zwei kleine, süße und hyperaktive Hündchen... Aber da ihr die Hunde ja leider alle nicht kennt, könnt ihr euch gar nicht vorstellen, was hier in den letzten 3 Tagen so los war... Naja, aber eigentlich war es schon echt cool, weil die so supersüß waren. Hier mal noch ein paar Fotos von den Hunden (und der Katze)!!
 Arkarias, Keiden, Stuoton und Riley
 Roxy (Katherine's Hund)
 von links nach rechts: Arkarias, Bosley, Stouton und Riley und hinten auf dem Boden liegt Keiden

Joa, was ist noch so passiert? 
Schule ist so wie immer, ich hab in Spanisch 99,2% also ein A und in Foods 94% also auch ein A und ich Englisch 75,4% also ein B und in Biology leider nur 66% also ein C. Das ist aber nur 1% vor einem C+, deshalb strenge ich mich jetzt nochmal ganz besonders an!

Die Noten sind übrigens so:
A       -> 1
B        -> 2
C+      -> 3
C        -> 4
C-      -> 5
F        -> 6

Heute haben wir in Foods Cookies gebacken, die waren sehr lecker! Ich glaube ich poste einfach mal die Bilder von allem, was wir bisher in Foods so gemacht haben, da ich nicht weiß, was ich schon gepostet habe und damit ihr alle schön neidisch werdet! :D :*

Pancakes mit Maple Syrup
 Denver Omlette

 Karamelisierter Pflaumenkuchen
 Apfelmuffin mit Nüssen
Pizzzzzzzza ♥
 Hamburger Soup (klingt komisch, ist aber richtig lecker!)

Pizza Twister

Potato Pancakes mit Apple Sauce
Cooooookies ♥

Ich hab jetzt erst mal ein langes Wochenende - morgen und Montag frei - und werde jetzt erst mal 4 Tage lang immer schön ausschlafen!
Übrigens ist heute unser neues Sofa angekommen und es sieht echt gut aus!
Morgen gehen wir Halloween Kostüme kaufen und evtl. werde ich als Joker gehen, weil Michael meint, ich hätte dazu perfekt Haare (müsste mir sie nur kurz schneiden, was ich aber ganz sicher nicht tun werde :DD) und perfekte Augen... Mal schauen, ob wir nicht vielleicht noch was besseres finden werden.. An Halloween werden wir dann jedenfalls sugar treaten gehen und wir werden so coole amerikanische Spiele spielen, wie in so Filmen! Außerdem wird Karen Kürbisse kaufen, sodass wir die so cool ausschnitzen können!

Ansonsten steht glaube ich nichts an am Wochenende oder ich weiß es einfach nicht... Ich hoffe jedenfalls, dass wir nichts machen werden, wofür ich früh aufstehen muss :D

So, ich melde mich wahrscheinlich Montag nochmal, oder wenn wir die Halloweenkostüme gekauft haben!

Bils bald, vermisse euch alle! ♥
Aylina ♥

PS: Danke Mama und Papa für die Postkarte, sie ist heute angekommen!!! Hab euch liiiiieb! ♥